Rachael Martin - Teen THerapist

Helping Your Teenager Help Themselves

If your teenager is struggling it can be for many reasons. But one thing is for certain, as their parent, watching them during this time is tough. It doesn’t have to be like this.  A bit of outside support may be all they need.

I help overwhelmed Teens achieve self-awareness & understanding, without the fear of messing up or being judged so that they can feel in CONTROL, CONFIDENT & HAPPY.

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I work a lot with



This is one of the biggest issues I see.  Anxiety can cause many issues over and above the fear itself. Things like avoidance, unhealthy coping mechanisms & can have serious effects on their physical health as well as mental well-being.


Self Esteem

A teen with a low self-esteem isn’t uncommon. Neither is the idea that their identity is a HUGE part of their life.  However, low self-esteem can cause multiple issues.  With the right support they can start to see themselves differently and appreciate who they are, who they can be and use this strength for the rest of their lives. 



Teenagers have to deal with a lot of different pressures, expectations and changes. I’m sure this isn’t new information. For some all of this can become too much and they find best way to deal with this is to shut down. 

Outside support can help process these pressures and enable change and control to reignite. 


Self Confidence

A Teen without self-confidence generally doesn’t appreciate themselves. They feel no sense of control in their life and can find themselves lost in the world of friendships, interests, and success in general. Combine all these together and life can feel pretty awful.


Emotional Control

All of my work with Teenagers includes an element of Emotional Control. This is the ability to recognise & manage their emotions to enable them to achieve goals, complete tasks and control and choose their responses to life. 



Obviously this isn’t a mental health issue but I felt I needed to pick this issue out as it is one of the biggest influences over your teenagers life. 

For Teens, the relationships they hold are the top of their values list. When any of these relationships change or break it can have a HUGE effect on their mental & physical health.

Every teen is different, every parent is different. There are many ways to help, you just have to find what works for your teen & you.

About Me

I’m Rachael Martin.
I Help Teenagers to Find THEIR Way to Control their Emotions & Bring Back their Happiness.

Lets be honest, if you are considering allowing me to work with your teenager you are going to want to check me out! 

Letting me into your family for a period of time needs to feel right, firstly for your Teen but also for you. It can feel like your handing your child over, so please make sure you think i am the right person to do that with! 

Learn more about who I am and how I work here…


People think I'm mad to work with Teenagers,
I honestly feel I am living the dream!
It's my mission to help as many young people as I can to find THEIR way back to happiness!

Because lets be honest, without your teen having happiness, can you ever really find your own?

Testimonials - photos & names may be change to maintain confidentiality

What Clients Are Saying

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“Rachael has been fantastic for our son. After he was suffering with stress and anxiety. She helped him process his emotions so that he could move forward and cope with everything. He is more confident and less stressed.
She has also helped us as parents understand how he is feeling so we can also help him & understand how to support him.
Thank-you Rachael”

mum to teenage son

“I'm convinced Rachael is Heaven-sent! From the intial phone call with me I was made to feel at ease about the whole process. My eldest child felt comfortable and safe from the very first session, and small changes were noted straight away. My child has grown in confidence and has learnt some toold to get through those darker phases of life.
Thank-you Rachael, you have been a star!


woman, portrait, model-597173.jpg
"Thank you for your help, support & guidance. My daughter is a lot happier and has some tools that she us using to help herself. Its been hard for me to accept I was not the right person or at least that I didn't have the skills to help her through some of this. But, its actually been good for me too, taking a bit of pressure off me. It is still a worry but having you support her meant I can be her mum. It has meant so much to both of us.

mum of 15yr old daughter

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"Rachael was recommended to me by another counsellor as a specialist in Teen Anxiety.
From beginning to end Rachael always happy to answer my questions, chat things through and support me to help my daughter between sessions. I've put my faith in Rachael to help my daughter & I have no regrets.
I would not hesitate to recommend her to anyone seeking her for a teenager with anxiety."
